Research Section: Table of Contents - ACS Publications

Optic Cable Reactor. Nicola J. Peill and Michael R. Hoffmann. A novel optical fiber cable reactor trans- mits UV light ... Cynthia K. Larive, Aisling ...
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Research Section: Table of Contents Research 2661 Weathering and Dispersal of Polychlorinated Biphenyls from a Known Source in the Canadian Arctic Stephen L. Grundy, Douglas A. Bright, William T. Dushenko, and Kenneth J. Reimer

PCB weathering experiment in the Canadian Arctic considers the rate of loss from soil of individual congeners in terms of vapor pressure and vegetation influences.

2667 Real-Time Measurement of Correlated Size and Composition Profiles of Individual Atmospheric Aerosol Particles Christopher A. Noble and Kimberly A. Prather

Analysis of individual particles leads to detailed correlations between size and chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols.

2681 Ionic and Molecular Transport in Hydrophobized Montmorillonite Films: An Electrochemical Survey Pal Joo and Alanah Fitch

Transport of a probe anion and aromatic through thin montmorillonite films is measured as a function of the extent of quaternary ammonium amendments and swelling in NaCl.

• 2687 Air Quality Model Evaluation Data for Organics. 2. C1—C14 Carbonyls in Los Angeles Air Eric Grosjean, Daniel Grosjean, Matthew P. Fraser, and Glen R. Cass

Using four LC methods, 23 carbonyls and tentatively another 19 carbonyls are identified and their concentrations measured in Los Angeles air during a severe smog episode.

2704 Air Quality Model Evaluation Data for Organics. 3. Peroxyacetyl Nitrate and Peroxypropionyl Nitrate in Los Angeles Air

The peroxyacyl nitrates PAN (up to 9.9 ppb) and PPN (up to 1.5 ppb) are measured at four southern California locations.



Yiannis A. Levendis, Ajay Atal, Joel Carlson, Yury Dunayevskiy, and Paul Vouros

Case Study of Organochlorine Pesticides in the Indoor Air of a Home Jeffrey C. Wallace, Louis P. Brzuzy, Staci L. Simonich, Susan M. Visscher, and Ronald A. Hites

Slight pressurization of the air in a basement lowered the indoor air concentrations of aldrin and dieldrin, two organochlorine termiticides.

Comparative Study on the Combustion and Emissions of Waste Tire Crumb and Pulverized Coal

The combustion and toxic emissions (S02, NO_,., CO, and PAHs) from a pulverized bituminous coal and ground waste automobile tires at different equivalence ratios are studied.

2755 Covalent Binding of Aniline to Humic Substances. 1. Kinetic Studies Eric J. Weber and Kevin A. Thorn

2719 Production and Loss of Methylmercury and Loss of Total Mercury from Boreal Forest Catchments Containing Different Types of Wetlands Vincent L. St. Louis, John W. M. Rudd, Carol A. Kelly, Ken G. Beaty, Robert J. Flett, and Nigel T. Roulet

Wetlands are net sources of methylmercury, but the strength of this source depends on the type of wetland and the annual water yield.

2730 Sampling and Analysis Artifacts Caused by Elevated Indoor Air Polychlorinated Biphenyl Concentrations Jeffrey C. Wallace, Nora Basu, and Ronald A. Hites

PCB concentrations were from 5 to 300 times higher indoors than outdoors, and this caused contamination in sample preparation as well as artifacts in sample collection.

The reaction of aniline with DOM can be adequately described by second-order kinetics. 2764 Covalent Binding of Aniline to Humic Substances. 2. 15N NMR Studies of Nucleophilic Addition Reactions Kevin A. Thorn, Penny J. Pettigrew, Wayne S. Goldenberg, and Eric J. Weber

Direct spectroscopic evidence is provided for the nucleophilic addition of aniline to quinone and other carbonyl groups in soil and aquatic humic substances.

2776 Grain-Size Distribution of Polychlorobiphenyls in Coastal Sediments C. Piérard, H. Budzinski, and P. Garrigues

Determination of PCB is performed on granulometric fractions of marine sediments and shows a preferential chlorinated congener association.

2735 Modeling Radiocesium Fixation in Upland Organic Soils of Northwest England J. P. Absalom, N. M. J. Crout, and S. D. Young

Models of time-dependent 137Cs fixation in organic upland soils are presented; good agreement with field studies of Chernobyl-Cs bioavailability is shown.

2784 Anaerobic Hydrocarbon Degradation in Petroleum-Contaminated Harbor Sediments under Sulfate-Reducing and Artificially Imposed Iron-Reducing Conditions John D. Coates, Roberr T. Anderson, Joan C. Woodward, Elizabeth J. P. Phillips, and Derek R. Lovley

Eric Grosjean, Daniel Grosjean, Matthew P. Fraser, and Glen R. Cass


RESEARCH CONTINUED Hydrocarbon contaminants in marine sediments can be degraded as well or better under sulfate-reducing conditions as under more energetically favorable Fe(III)-reducing conditions.

2790 Hydrothermal Processing of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in a Titanium Reactor Bernard R. Foy, Kurt Waldthausen, Michael A. Sedillo, and Steven J. Buelow

TCE and other chlorinated compounds are destroyed by hydrothermal reactions in water at 400-500 °C and 650 bar in a corrosion-resistant flow reactor.

2800 Gas/Particle Partitioning of Organic Compounds to Environmental Tobacco Smoke: Partition Coefficient Measurements by Desorption and Comparison to Urban Particulate Material Cikui Liang and James. F. Pankow

Gas/particle partition coefficients to environmental tobacco smoke are measured for a number of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, n-alkane, and N-containing compounds, including nicotine.

2806 Chemical and Physical Characterization of a TiO2-Coated Fiber Optic Cable Reactor Nicola J. Peill and Michael R. Hoffmann

A novel optical fiber cable reactor transmits UV light to solid-supported Ti02 in order to investigate the photocatalytic degradation of pentachlorophenol, 4-chlorophenol, dichloroacetate, and oxalate.

2813 A Multiple-Smoker Model for Predicting Indoor Air Quality in Public Lounges



Ozone—Nitrogen Dioxide—NPAH Heterogeneous Soot Particle Reactions and Modeling NPAH in the Atmosphere

Comparative Kinetics of Hydrogen Utilization for Reductive Dechlorination of Tetrachloroethene and Methanogenesis in an Anaerobic Enrichment Culture

Zhihua Fan, Richard M. Kamens, Jianbo Zhang, and Jianxin Hu

Particle-phase degradation of nitro polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with 0 3 and 0 3 + N0 2 is investigated.

2828 113

Cd NMR Binding Studies of Cd—Fulvic Acid Complexes: Evidence of Fast Exchange Cynthia K. Larive, Aisling Rogers, Martha Morton, and W. Robert Carper m

Concordia R. Smatlak, James M. Gossett, and Stephen H. Zinder

Microorganisms that reductively dechlorinate PCE have a greater affinity for hydrogen than do methanogens, suggesting that low levels of hydrogen favor dechlorination.

Communications 2859

C d NMR spectroscopy is used to measure the binding of Cd2+ to Suwannee River fulvic acid at pH 6.4, yielding a conditional binding constant of 670 mL/ mg.

Field Study of the Partitioning Tracer Method for Detection of Dense Nonaqueous Phase Liquid in a Trichloroethene- Contaminated Aquifer


A new method of site characterization for NAPL involves the use of partitioning tracers.

Nicole T. Nelson and Mark L. Brusseau

Atmospheric Behavior of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans and the Effect of Combustion Temperature David M. Pennise and Richard M. Kamens

PCDD/Fs associated with low-temperature-derived combustion particles (—350 °C) decayed in sunlight; these same compounds are atmospherically stable on particles formed at higher temperatures (750 °C).

2843 Measurement of Nitrous Acid in Motor Vehicle Exhaust Thomas W. Kirchstetter, Robert A. Harley, and David Littlejohn

The contribution of direct emissions to ambient nitrous acid concentrations is assessed by measuring motor vehicle emissions in a highway tunnel.

2864 Emission Factors for Ethene and Ammonia from a Tunnel Study with a Photoacoustic Trace Gas Detection System Marc A. Moeckli, Martin Fierz, and Markus W. Sigrist

Average emission factors for ethene, ammonia, CO, and C0 2 from road traffic obtained with a mobile laser photoacoustic system in a freeway tunnel are presented.

Corrections 2868 Effect of Hydrochloric Acid on Sampling and Analysis of Semivolatile Organic Compounds in Incineration Flue Gas. 1. Chlorophenols

Neil E. Klepeis, Wayne R. Ott, and Paul Switzer

Liang K. Tan and Albert J. Liem

A model that predicts the concentrations of pollutants present in environmental tobacco smoke is successfuly tested with real-time data collected in two public smoking lounges.

• This issue contains supporting information in microform. See ordering instructions at end of paper.