Turner Associates - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 25, 2012 - Turner Associates. Anal. ... Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first page. Click to increase image size Free first pa...
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The Timer Spectrophotometer NEW with digital display.

Continuing a tradition of excellent performance at a sensible price. The new Turner Spectrophotometer combines all of the features that have put our popular spectrophotometers in a price/performance class by themselves. The Model 380 goes a step further by offering you the convenience of a bright, easy to read digital display of linear absorbance, concentration values or transmittance. There's also a special provision for easy entry of constants for kinetic enzyme assays. The high performance features of the Model 380 include narrow, 9 nanometer bandwidth; low (0.5%) stray light; ± 2 nanometer wavelength accuracy; wide standard operating range (320-710 nanometers); excellent linearity (up to 1.7 absorbance) even at 340 nanometers. A wide'variety of accessories that expand the versatility of our established Models 330 and 350 Spectrophotometers may also be used with the Model 380. These include the Turner Enzyme Calculator/Printer shown here and the Instafill* accessory for micro-flow work. At $1725, the Model 380 is priced within the budget of every laboratory. So are the accessories. For example, the Printer is $1420. The Enzyme Calculator/Printer, $2150. No one else offers comparable instrumentation for so little. Your inquiry will bring more details, a copy of our popular Spectrophotometer checkout guide, and our 1978 catalog! Contact Turner Associates, Division of American Sterilizer Co., 2524 Pulgas Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94303. Phone (415) 324-0077. T u r n to

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News chemistry, mathematics, physics, space sciences, atmospheric and earth sciences, engineering, and life sciences. Awardees conduct research on problems of their choice in selected Federal research laboratories at approximately 65 geographic locations in the U.S. Appointments are made on a competitive basis and are open to recent recipients of the doctorate and, in some cases, to senior investigators. Some programs are open to non-U.S. citizens. Approximately 250 new awards will be made in 1979. The basic stipend (subject to income tax) will be $18 000 for recent recipients of the doctorate. Higher stipends are awarded to senior investigators. The awards include relocation grants and funds for limited professional travel during tenure. Applications must be postmarked by January 15,1979. Results will be announced in the spring. Application forms and detailed information about specific opportunities for research are available from the Associateship Office, JH 608-D3, National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20418 (202-389-6554).

Academic Investigator Award in Toxicology The Academic Investigator Award in Toxicology will provide support for a period of up to three years in an amount not to exceed $90 000 direct costs. The goal of the program is to provide a mechanism by which toxicological research experience can be gained by scientists not now working in the field, so that they may undertake subsequent research projects in environmental toxicology. Receipt dates for applications are Feb. 1,1979, and June 1,1979. For application forms and further information, contact: Christopher Schonwalder, Program Director, Research Manpower Development Section, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, P.O. Box 12233, Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27709, or call 919-755-4022.

Sharing of Scientific Equipment While informal equipment sharing prevails among university researchers, NSF is encouraging increased sharing of scientific research equipment on campuses to reduce requests for equipment purchase support in proposals to NSF. A General Accounting Office report, "Minimum Requirements Are Needed for Colleges and Universities to Justify Research