An Inexpensive Closure for Dialysis Tubing Conventional methods for sealing dialysis tubing require either tying a knot in the material, using thread or string as a tie, or using commercial clamps. The first two options often result in leaks, while the third is somewhat expensive ($2-3 oer damp). An inexpensive alternative can be fabricated from readilv available materials: olastic tubina and class rod. In practice,the tubing-and rod (approximately the same diameter as t h ; ~ . ~of. the plastic tubing) are cut z1/2in.-longer than the diameter of the dialvzine material. The membrane is lomed over the elass rod so there is about %inch of overlao. and the ruhber tubing (SIN w-ith a'rwor blade) isslipped over the membraneand rod creating a tight sral. ipieceoftubmg filled with starch solutmn and suhmerwd in water for 48 h showed m, evidenw of leaking when testrd with iwlinr-lodine reagent. isintroduced intothesystrm. Anadditional benefit arisesfrorn the mass Since the mater~alaare"~nerr,"nocontaminat~on introduced by the glass rod, since the tendency of the filled membrane to float is decreased ~~~~~
Plastic Tubing
Ghss Tubing
. ~ . ~ ~
Dialysis Tubing
/ Mark Bambenek Saint Mary's College Notre Dame. IN 46556
Volume 61
Number 10 October 1984