FAST ANALYSES FOR A FAST ΑGΕ Consolidated's 21-103C Mass Spectrometer for Jet-Fuel Research
Here is an instrument that literally counts molecules to provide one of today's fastest methods for analyzing hydrocarbon gases and liquids. Because it can quickly, accu rately determine mixture components at mass numbers as high as 700, yet be equally a t home with gases a n d light liquids, the 21-103C has proved invaluable in every phase of the growing jet-fuel busi ness. It is used in process research to per fect new refining methods . . . in process control to insure production efficiency and product quality . . . and in the jet-engine business itself for fuel and exhaust-gas analyses in research and development studies of combustion efficiency. The 21-103C Mass Spectrometer is fast: only an hour or less to analyze even com plex mixtures . . . key-component determi nations in just minutes. Up to 30 or more components can be separately determined, and a permanent, easily read record is made automatically for every analysis. Where accelerated research and produc- ' tion programs demand fast methods . . . and top accuracy . . . it will pay you t o investigate this thoroughly proven, thor oughly up-to-date instrument. Send for Bulletin CEC 1800C-X18.
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exploratory analyses . . . every volatile material in the sample registered, its presence made known, whether or not it is expected. control analyses . . . feed, intermediate, or prod uct streams quickly analyzed, for maintaining optimum process efficiency and uniformly high product quality. purity determinations . . . can detect contaminat ing substances present in concentrations as low as 5 parts per million.
Records from the 21-103C are permanent, easy to interpret. They are made automatically, so that the operator can pre pare the next sample while one is being analyzed.
research investigations . . . flexible operation is ideal for the non-standard conditions en countered in research work.
complex-mixture analyses... 30 or more 'com ponents in mixtures can be separately deter mined; even mass isomers readily separated.
formerly Consolidated Engineering Corporation
300 North Sierra Madre Villa, Pasadena, California
SALES AND SERVICE OFFICES IN: Albuquerque, Atlanta, Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, New York, Pasadena, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington, D. C.
Measurement and
For further information, circle number 57 A on Readers' Service Card, page 69 A
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