A Jarrell-Ash Plasma AtomComp gives you 2 8 8 0 elements an hour. [That'll m a k e a dent in your workload!] Today's metal workloads are bigger than ever. That's why you owe it to yourself to investigate what Plasma AtomComp™ can do for you. This distinguished family of plasma emission spectrometers provides all the sensitivity of atomic absorption and atomic emission instruments. But with far greater capability. Up to 48 elements simultaneously, in up to 60 samples, in as little as 60 minutes. That's almost 10 times greater capability than even the most advanced AA workhorses. Plus — Plasma AtomComp provides remarkable range — automatic analysis over a dynamic concentration range of
100,000 without having to change a single parameter! Outstanding convenience — it is computer controlled. And versatile printout — % or ppm or ppb or any other units you desire. Whatever your field — water, waste-
water, air, soils, foods, feeds, petroleum, biologicals — if a high-throughput workload is your problem, Jarrell-Ash is your answer. Jarrell-Ash plasma spectrometry. The truly multi-element approach. Send for literature today.
Jarrell-Ash Division Fisher Scientific Company 590 Lincoln Street Waltham, Massachusetts 02154 Phone (617) 890-4300 CIRCLE 112 ON READER SERVICE CARD