If you're analyzing inorganics i n organ ics.... .why aren't you looking into EDXRF?
EDXRF is the best method for a bunch of applications. Energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometry is the best general purpose method for quantitative, nondestructive, analysis of inorganic elements in organic materials. It doesn't matter if your samples are carbohydrates, hydrocarbons, flora, or fauna. E D X R F sees right through the organic matrix and analyzes every element heavier than fluorine (Z = 9) simultaneously. That kind of analysis capability makes E D X R F ideal for rapid, multielement analysis of metals in petrochemicals, natural and synthetic polymers, rubber, resins, pharmaceuticals, organometallic complexes and other organic and low-Z materials. Speed without sweat or sacrifice. E D X R F is fast. It gives you precise, complete results in minutes—or even seconds.
It optimizes the best features of E D X R F with precision x-ray optics and close-coupled geometry. The result is unsurpassed analytical power and sensitivity from ppm to 100% concentration—whether you're analyzing micro-samples or bulk specimens. Every 0700 is equipped with push-button selection of secondary targets, transmission filters, collimators and sample position. So you can tailor analysis strategies to the broadest possible range of applications and still get complete coverage of every element in the periodic table from sodium to uranium. And the 0700 comes standard with a D E C LSI-11™ series minicomputer with Winchester and/or floppy disk based software to handle all phases of data collection, graphics, storage and automatic operation. We'd like to tell you more...
It's totally nondestructive. There's no wet chemistry—no digesting, no dissolving, no extracting—no sweat.
If you're analyzing inorganics in organics, and you're not using a Kevex 0700, get in touch with us.
And during analysis, your samples and standards aren't arced, sparked, consumed or altered in any way. So you can do repetitive testing and still preserve your materials intact. You don't have to sacrifice your standards or unknowns.
We'll send you a copy of our new applications bulletin, EDXRF Analysis of Inorganic Elements in Organic Materials. And we'll give you the details about the 0700 and its capabilities.
We're telling you all this for a reason. We manufacture the world's leading E D X R F system— the Kevex 0700. DEC and LSI-11 are trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
Then you'll be able to determine for yourself how the Kevex 0700 can magnify your analytical power^ KEVEX CORPORATION 1101 Chess Drive F o s t e r City, CA 94404 Phone (415) 573-5866
See us at the Pittsburgh Conference, March 7-12, Booth 700-710 CIRCLE 124 ON READER SERVICE CARD