Philips Electronics and Pharmaceutical Industries Corp

Mount. Vernon, N.Y.. In Canada: Research &. Control Instruments · Philips Electronics Ltd. · 116 Vanderhoof Avenue · Leaside, Toronto 17, Ontario. ...
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Star Dust, or Grain Boundary, or Pigment, or Microperthite, or Apatite, or Antique Glass or... any type of solid specimen—it makes no difference—the Norelco Electron Probe Microanalyzer will detect light and heavy elements without changing components and without sacrificing instrument reliability.

Outstanding Features Make it Possible t o . . . . . .perform a complete qualitative analysis in less than 30 minutes Π analyze total element range without instrument alignment or change of components Π produce BEAMSCANNER T -M. images in terms of sample current, electron backscatter, or characteristic X-rays Π supply these various modes instantly— "at the flip of a switch" Π use accessory devices including Kossel camera, step scanning, and multiple options for data readout.

World's Highest Standards in duality


For technical information write on your company letterhead to:

H I L I P S ELECTRONIC I N S T R U M E N T S ® PDivision of Philips Electronics and Pharmaceutical Industries Corp



Dept. M P - 2 4 , 7BO South Fulton Avenue, Mount Vernon, N.V. In Canada: Research & Control Instruments · Philips Electronics Ltd. " 1 1 6 Vanderhool Avenue , Leaside, Toronto 17, Ontario

Circle No. 143 απ Readers' Service Card

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