tinuous, 3.5:1 adjustment; Zero Adjust Control; Blank. Adjust Switch and BlankAdjust Control: permit sup- pression of reading up to 10 full scales; Bl...
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Nine New Developments 2 1


With blank subtract, operation to 2000 v. FEATURES: (1) Adaptability to all photomultiplier tubes currently available including end-on and vertical types (volt­ age supply may be adjusted up to 2000 v). (2) Ability to respond to phenomena with lifetimes as short as 5 microseconds. OhProvides zero suppres­ sion of a light signal of up to 10 full scales so that small changes in the signal can be measured with increased precision. (4) Will accept all photomulti­ plier housings (for end-on and vertical tubes) and all connecting cables currently supplied by Aminco. CONTROLS: Meter Multiplier Switch Position: HV OFF, HV ON, ZERO ADJUST, 10, 3, 1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.03, and 0.01 microamps (full scale); Sensitivity Centrol: con­ tinuous, 3.5:1 adjustment; Zero Adjust Control; Blank Adjust Switch and Blank Adjust Control: permit sup­ pression of reading up to 10 full scales; Blank Polarity Switch: selects ± suppression signal; High Voltage Control: Permits adjustment of PM tube volt­ age from 300 to 2000 v; Line Voltage Οπ-Off; Filter On-Off: OFF permits max speed of response, ON averages AC light signals. Send for more informa­ tion. Circle Reader Service Card No. 206.


(Based on the design of Drs. Bow­ man and Vurek, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.) A unique new instrument for de­ termination of metals in sample solution whose total volumes are 1 to 10 nanoliters, thereby provid­ ing an ultimate sensitivity of less than 1 0 " moles. The method has been applied primarily in Sidney research and renal physiology to the analysis of alkali and alkaline earth metals where only extremely small sample volumes are available. The system utilizes a heated fila­ ment to vaporize the sample into an RF glow discharge for subse­ quent excitation. Resultant signals from two photomultiplier tubes are stored and displayed digitally, al­ lowing simultaneous determination of two metals in a single sample. Circle Reader Service Card No. 207.



Measures0pore size distribution down to 30 A in diameter The new Aminco 60,000 psig Porosimeter (shown below) is capable of measuring pore-size distri­ bution of micro-reticular resins down to 30 A at pressures ranging from atmospheric to 60,000 psig, with a pressure accuracy of ± 1 % of fullscale reading. Powder or solid samples ranging in volume from a nominal 1.5 cc to 35 cc can be accommodated by means of easily interchange­ able penetrometers. (Standard penetrometers are available in lVfecc and 6Vice. 35cc penetrometer is available on special order.) The 60,000 psig Porosimeter incorporates a fully automatic pumping system with continuous pressure cycle and a completely electrical pres­ sure readout display with no moving parts in the sensing system. The high pressure vessel assembly is contained in a protective enclosure of 3/16" boiler plate with safety interlocks. Circle Reader Service Card No. 210 for further information.

60,000 psi



SHIMADZU MULTI-PURPOSE RECORDING SPECTROPHOTOMETER (MPS-50) This instrument, of exceptional sophistication, has inherent design features which allow automatic recording of absorption bands of highly turbid, translucent, opaque, as well as transparent, materials. Recordings can be made over a wavelength range from 190 πΐμ to 2500 πΐμ. A unique microspectrophotometric attachment permits, for example, scanning a single red blood cell as it is moved across a light beam of fixed wavelength, or recording the absorption of the cell as the wavelength is varied. Large sample and reference compartment accommodates other attachments for absorption photometry of fluorescent solutions, fluorometric analysis, chromatogram scanning, and an accessory for first-deriva­ tive curves. The instrument is also designed tc perform total attenuated reflectance measurements. For full information, circle No. 213 on the Reader Service Card.

Shimadzu Model Spectrophotometer


5 AMINCO SINGLE SPECIES ASSAYOMAT* For automatic replicate spectrophotometric assay of individual tablets or capsules, this model, to be introduced at Pittsburgh, is a single species adaptation of the multi-species ASSAYOMAT* developed for CIBA Pharmaceutical. In this instrument the tablets are dissolved in an appropriate solvent, the solu­ tion is filtered, and an aliquot of the filtrate is diluted to an appropriate volume. The diluted solution is then passed through a spectrophotometer and the absorbance recorded. The electrical and mechanical operations are controlled by a closed-loop system. Programmable variables include type and volume of solvents for dissolution and dilution, dissolution time and wave­ length of measurement. For further information, circle Reader Service Card No. 214.

AMOSCO *Patent Applied For

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*Trade Mark Applied For

See Them At Pittsburgh* 6


Utilizes a principle based on the classic Dumas procedure; however, time-consuming volumetric measures and corrections for temperature, baro­ metric pressure and vapor pressure are elim­ inated. An analysis can te made in less than two minutes after sample introduction. In the Aminco instrument, the sample is pyrolized at 1000°C in the copper oxide packing of a combustion tube. Products of the pyrolysis are carried by a helium flow through a copper reduc­ tion tube, at 400°C, where the oxides of nitrogen are converted to elemental nitrogen. The water and CO.. are removed by an absorption tube which is mounted on the front of the instrument panel. A thermal-conductivity cell is employed as the method of detection, and the nitrogen content is automatically read out on 3 strip-chart recorder. A self-purging sample-introduction port prevents air contamination. The Aminco Nitrogen Ana­ lyzer is the ideal comple ment to the Aminco Carbon and Hydrogen Analyzer and utilizes the same balance and recorder for the associ ated readout and weighing operations. The instrument is designed primarily for acceptance of sub-milligram quantities of sample. For further information, circle No. 208. ...., .






The unit consists of a compact flame emission assembly which 1s attached directly to the Aminco 4-8400 Monochromator (equipped with slit mechanism), and includes a photomultiplier tube with hous­ ing, pressure gages and specialized burner. The system allows simple, rapid, and efficient determination of those elements analyzable by flame photometry. This capability, as an attachment, is also available for use with Aminco Monochromators already in use. Readout is obtained with the Aminco Photomultiplier Microphotometer, which provides seven fixed steps of lensitivity over a range of 1000 to 1. For full information circle No. 211 on the Reader Service Card.



A uniquely equipped instrument capable of monitoring gases and hazardous biological agents over a wide range of concentration by means of fluorescence or colorimetric analysis. The instrument consists of three reagent tanks, three adjustable metering pumps that introduce the reagents into a mixing chamber, and a reaction col­ umn in which the mixed reagents react with the incoming gases. An air pump and flowmeter provide and maintain a constant flow of gas into the column. After they leave the column, the reaction products flow by gravity into a flow cell, which is trapped to ensure proper fluid level, where the appropriate analyses are made. When the analysis is completed, the reaction products are drained from the trap into a waste tank. A multi-range chart recorder, which is used to display the amplified output of the photomultiplier tube, is equipped with adjustable high and low limit switches that can be made to activate an alarm or provide a control signal. The alarm is also activated by any malfunction of the instrument. Circle No. 212 for further information.



AMINCO-CHANCE DUAL-WAVELENGTH/SPLIT BEAM SPECTROPHOTOMETERIn the dual-wavelength mode, detects small transmission changes superimposed on highly absorbing and/or turbid media; in split beam mode, the instrument functions as a conventional recording spectrophotometer. In the dualwavelength mode two different wavelengths are time-shared through a single cell; in the split beam mode, a single wavelength is time-shared through two cells (sample and reference). The split beam mode records spectra of highly absorbing and/or turbid samples as well as the steady state spectra of solutions. Utilizing a single instru­ ment for both types of spectroscopy facilitates cross correlation of data and minimizes instrumental error. Wavelength Range: 325-800 νπμ with tungsten-iodide lamp (range may be extended to 1000 m μ. by changing photomultiplier tube), 200-450 π\μ with deuterium lamp. Wide Photometric Range: %T — 0 to 1000, 0 to 50, 0 to 20, 0 to 10; (for dual-wavelength mode, additional ranges are 0 to 5, 0 to 2 and 0 to 1). Absorbance — 0 to 2.0, 0 to 1.0, 0 to .5, 0 to .2, 0 to . 1 , 0 to 0.05. Split beam capability may be added to Aminco Dual-Wavelength instruments currently in operation. For further information, circle Reader Service Card No. 209.

* Visit the all new AMINCO Booth in the SKYR00M on the 17th floor of the Penn-Sheraton Hotel.


AMERICAN INSTRUMENT CO., INC. 8 0 3 0 G e o r g i a A v e n u e , Silver S p r i n g , M a r y l a n d


VOL. 39, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1 967


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