ïWïluWiïl DUAL PERSONALITY CHEMICALS PQ soluble silicates can produce effects that appear diametrically op posed. This comes about partly by the different ratios of silica to alkali in over 70 products in our line, partly by the unusual properties inherent in these soluble glasses. React sodium silicate with calcium chloride in situ and you get a gel that can solidify unstable foundation soils into rock-like masses of high bearing strength. On the other hand, even a small amount of sodium silicate can turn a material like highly viscous clay into a pourable, pumpable fluid of low viscosity. If sodium silicate is reacted with a suitable chemical, the resultant activated silica sol helps the primary coagulant to form large, dense, strong floe in water clarification. However, used as a detergent, silicate will deflocculate soil and keep it from regrouping. Added to refractories as a binder, sodium silicate need not decrease heat resistance, but in whiteware enamel, silicate addition tends to lower melting points, improve flowability. These examples have been cited to illustrate the unusual nature of soluble silicate chemistry. It's possible that some unique property of sodium or potassium silicates might provide a valuable tool to give your own production a boost. s&g ms m% ssss Ks; 5 ι ras 3CT wm ÎSZZ mn ssea KEJ Ι
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