can't afford not to advertise in
Advertising Manager Nuclear-Chicago Corporation
"Nuclear-Chicago Corporation is a consistent advertiser in Analytical Chemistry because w e can't afford not to b e . W e know that the greatest market for nuclear radiation detection and measuring instruments exists in the chemical laboratory. "The analytical chemist now using radioisotopes realizes the value of these new tools. Our job in the advertising department is to convince non-isotope using chemists and chemical management of the unique place that radioactivity techniques have in the laboratory. W i t h our advertising w e have two stories to tell: (1) How radioisotopes fit into every industrial chemical laboratory, (2) W h e n the decision to purchase or enlarge a radioisotope l a b is made, Nuclear-Chicago should be called in. " W e chose Analytical Chemistry to tell these two stories because it covers the chemical laboratory field thoroughly. In Analytical Chemistry w e reach the working chemist, the technician, the chief chemist, the research director, management. Practically every issue of Analytical Chemistry has one or more papers on the use of radioactivity in the laboratory. This combination of market coverage and editorial support is unbeatable."
New home office manufacturing Ultra-modern
and waste disposal
plant of Nuclear-Chicago
and electronic development
facilities provide
Corporation laboratories
a new high in radiation
at Des Plaines, Illinois, occupy the main wing.
safety practices.
twenty miles northwest of Specially
constructed source
to the new plant is expected
to take
storage place
later in the summer.
An American Chemical Society Publication Advertising Management:
REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORP. 430 Park Avenue, New York 22, New York VOL. 3 1 , NO. 7, JULY 1959 · 7 A Circle No. 133 on Readers' Service Card =>-