Software Manufacturers' Literature

Formaldehyde monitoring. Model. TGM 555 air monitor measures formaldehydelevels inthe part-per- ... set-up menus, test conditions, and selfdiagnostics...
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The detectors are compatible with all recorders, integrators, and chroma­ tography data systems. Applications include monoclonal a n t i b o d y r e ­ search, protein labeling and purifica­ tion, and nuclear medicine. Bioscan 413 Formaldehyde monitoring. Model TGM 555 air m o n i t o r m e a s u r e s formaldehyde levels in the part-perbillion range. The monitor uses the pararosanaline procedure, which cor­ relates with the NIOSH chronotro­ pic acid technique within ± 3%. The instrument can be run from a battery or an ac and can be used for continu­ ous atmospheric monitoring of work­ places where formaldehyde may be produced. CEA Instruments 414 Protein chemistry. HP G1004A au­ tomated benchtop protein chemistry station concentrates, purifies, frag­ ments, and modifies protein before HPLC or sequence analysis. Samples can be loaded directly onto the col­ umn; sample solutions containing contaminants such as salts, nonvola­ tile buffers, detergents, and surfac­ tants will not interfere with the reac­ tions; and chemistries are performed in a closed, i n e r t e n v i r o n m e n t . Hewlett Packard 415 M o i s t u r e m e a s u r e m e n t . Model DL37KF titrator uses the Karl Fischer coulometric titration method to measure moisture in the 10 μ g 100 mg range in solid, liquid, and gaseous samples. The i n s t r u m e n t features an automatic start mode; a b u i l t - i n p r i n t e r ; a n d d i s p l a y of set-up menus, test conditions, and self diagnostics. Mettler 416

Software Chromatography. EZChrom soft­ ware revision 2.0 aids laboratories with GLP compliance and includes system log-in, audit trail, multipoint calibration, and standard bracketing. A multiple-document interface mode allows viewing, analysis, compari­ son, and interpretation of chromatograms. Shimadzu 418 X - r a y m i c r o a n a l y s i s . Sorcerer, which is available on Macintosh plat­ forms, performs data acquisition, analysis, and report generation. The software identifies and quantifies spectra in real time and provides autocalibration, image analysis (in­ cluding fast Fourier transform fea­ ture analysis), elemental distribution mapping, and principal component analysis. Horiba Instruments 419

Manufacturers' Literature Surface analysis. Product guide de­ scribes instrumentation for surface analysis, including instruments for industrial quality control applica­ tions; XPS and AES instrumenta­ tion; a SIMS system; and the ECLIPSE data system, which runs in a Windows environment and consists of software applications that support all surface analysis techniques. 8 pp. Fisons 420 Coatings. "Metal Soaps, Specialty Additives, and Biocides for the Coat­ ings Industries" describes typical use levels, performance expectations, ap­ plications, and incorporation proce­ dures for a variety of coatings addi­

tives. A problem-solving chart lists the appropriate products for correct­ ing problems in conventional and high-solids solvent-based coatings as well as in waterborne coatings sys­ tems. 8 pp. Hiils America 421 N e w s l e t t e r . "The Supelco Report­ er," Vol. XI, No. 3, contains articles on carbon layer open tubular capil­ lary columns, separation of oxygen­ ated compounds in complex hydro­ carbon matrices, monitoring oxygenated and polar volatile com­ pounds in wastewater, quantifying benzene and other hydrocarbons in environmental systems using ther­ mal extraction, and analytical refer­ ence standards for monitoring disin­ fection byproducts in drinking water. 16 pp. Supelco 422 P o l y p h o s p h a t e s . Application note describes the use of the PRP-X100 anion-exchange column to separate polyphosphates in fertilizer, water, and detergents. An 8-min gradient separation allows the determination of tripolyphosphate, phosphate, pyro­ phosphate, and sulfate. The column works with most ion chromatographs and high-performance liquid chro­ matographs. 2 pp. Hamilton 423

Catalogs Reflectance products. Catalog de­ scribes reflectance s t a n d a r d s and targets, integrating spheres and in­ tegrating sphere sources, photome­ t e r s , radiometers, and reflectomet e r s . T e c h n i c a l i n f o r m a t i o n on properties of reflectance materials, comparative properties of reflective materials and coatings, and illumi­ n a n c e from uniform l a m b e r t i a n sources is also included. 112 pp. Labsphere 424 Inorganic spectroscopy. "Tools of the Trade" includes QC samples for environmental analysis; organometnilic oil standards; solution stan­ dards for plasma emission spectros­ copy; m u l t i e l e m e n t s o l u t i o n standards for the Superfund contract laboratory program and for environ­ mental analysis; instrument check standards for ion chromatography; and solution standards for AAS, opti­ cal emission spectroscopy, and X-ray spectroscopy. 44 pp. Spex 425

Preparative 2D electrophoresis system combines the Rotofor preparative iso­ electric focusing cell with the Model 491 preparative cell to purify proteins from crude preparations such as cell culture media, tissue homogenates, whole cell lysates, sera, plasma, and plant or fungal extracts. Bio-Rad 417

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