Buyer?s MGuide Air Pollution High-efficiency air filter. Camfil Farr introduces the Durafil high-efficiency air filter that provides energy efficiency and long service life in a compact, V-bank design. This filter is ideal for air-starved systems or for any commercial, medical, industrial, or processing application in which energy savings are a priority. It incorporates a water-resistant glass medium in a pleat-in-pleat design with up to 200 ft2 of media area for high dust-holding capacity. Filters are ASHRAE-rated. (Call (800) 333-7320, or e-mail
[email protected].)
NT, enables it to run unattended without user interaction. Request application note. (Call (888) 888-8173, or e-mail
[email protected].)
Information Tools Die casting. The North American Die Casting Association (NADCA) announces kestrelCOMPASS, a Webbased environmental management tool that allows the user to design, document, and manage an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System. The software was developed in cooperation with Kestrel Management Services and is customized to meet the needs of die casters. (Call 847-292-3600, or e-mail
[email protected].)
Simultaneous thermogravimetry. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments introduces the highly flexible DTG-60, which enables simultaneous thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis. Its newly designed, integrated balance assembly provides high sensitivity and excellent stability over a wide dynamic mass range. (Call (800) 4771227, or visit
Control Chromatography signal control. Thermo LabSystems announces its A2D and DataServer chromatography acquisition and control systems, which takes advantage of technologies such as Universal Series Bus (USB), embedded Microsoft Windows NT, and more powerful processors. The A2D is a compact acquisition and control unit that digitizes the analog detector signal and transmits it to the host PC via USB to provide true “plug-and-play” durability. The DataServer unit provides “server” service to the A2D and, with Windows 110 A
chamber. The increased work area gives the worker greater freedom to gain access to difficult pipe insulation. The system is configured to prevent escape of dangerous fibers. Debrisladen bags can be easily and safely removed from the pipes being cleaned. The glovebag is made from PHD, a specially engineered polymer that incorporates all the strength and durability of low- and high-density polyethylene. (Call 770-751-9095, or e-mail
[email protected].)
Monitoring Wall-mounted gas monitors. CEA Instruments, Inc., announces a newly expanded family of Guardian wallmounted continuous gas monitors for carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, oxygen, chlorine, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen chloride, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen, phosphine, and others. Standard features include digital display, NEMA 4X enclosures, output relays, and multilevel audio and visual alarms. The controller is available with up to four fast-responding sensors that are not affected by temperature and humidity changes. (Call 201-967-5660, or e-mail
[email protected].)
Management Asbestos removal. Grayling Industries, Inc., introduces the Avail QuickTwist glovebag for safer and more efficient removal of asbestos from pipe. The design has two distinct work zones: the removal area and the debris
Oil drop absorption. Sorbent Products Co., Inc., introduces the Grip Strip, a mat that is oleophilic and hydrophobic. The mat fits into a stiff frame that easily slides under a vehicle. It will absorb all oil droppings and repel all water and can be replaced as often as necessary. The mat’s main purpose is to prevent oil from dripping in parking lots and construction zones. It can be used under cars, commercial vehicles, heavy equipment, trucks, or buses. The mat also