NEW FROM ARMOURPropoquad* Chemicals Investigations have demonstrated the excellent bacteriostatic and fungistatic abilities of Armour's new Propoquads: C/12 and HT/12. Strong cationic surfactants, these new Armour Idea Chemicals are soluble in water, polar organic and chlorinated sol vents; insoluble in nonpolar organic solvents. These propoxylated quaternary ammonium com pounds have the following general structure:
CH 3 (CH 2 )xCH 2
\ SURFACE MAINTENANCE. Cationics such as Ethomeen T/12 and Armac® Τ chemicals produce oil and wax emulsions of a fine-particle size that rapidly exhaust onto fibers, glass, masonry, metals and plastics. When dust mops, for example, are im mersed into a cationic emulsion, the oil exhausts completely from the emulsion onto the strands of the mop. Furthermore, cationic emulsifiable con centrates are easily prepared for water dilution by the ultimate user.
AUTO POLISHING. Here, beading illustrates t h e water repellency of silicone polish made with Ethomeen® S/12 and Arquad® 2C emulsifiers. Cationic emulsifiers used in the preparation of emulsion-type pol ishes for metal, plastic and other surfaces enable the oil to deposit rapidly and uniformly. Silicones with as little as 0.5% concentration of a cationic emulsifier readily wet and cling to surfaces being polished. They also apply easily, producing a high gloss with a minimum of rubbing. IN YOUR APPLICATION, TOO! THERE IS HARDLY A BUSINESS
t h a t cannot benefit from using Armour Idea Chemicals. Discover for yourself how Armour cat ionic—and non-ionic—emulsifiers can help you; send the coupon.
Research samples are now available for experi mental use. For your sample, send the coupon. *Armour and Company trade-mark
ARMOUR INDUSTRIAL CHEMICAL COMPANY 110 North Wacker Drive Chicago 6, Illinois Π Please send me your literature on Armour emulsifiers. Π Please send me a sample of Propoquad C/12 or HT/12. Π Please send me bulletin on Propoquads. Name. Company Address