ACS HIGHLIGHTS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

It is expected that such conferences will provide for a mutual exchange of ... Questionnaires will be sent to the chemistry departments of approximate...
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ACS AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Board of Directors Arthur C. Cope, Chairman M. H. Arveson Robert W. Cairns Ralph Connor Lawrence T. Eby Robert C. Elderfield Henry Eyring W. O. Milligan John H. Nair Charles G. Overberger Charles C. Price Byron Riegel F . T. Wall National Officers Arthur C. Cope, Chairman of Board M. H. Arveson, President Charles C. Price, President-Elect Alden H. Emery, Executive Secretary R. V. Mellefont, Treasurer OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Alden H. Emery, Executive Secretary B. R. Stanerson, Deputy Executive Secretary Frances S. Sansbury, Assistant to the Executive Secretary Basic Journals Division Richard H. Belknap, Director Harry I. Hoffman, Assistant Director Chemical Abstracts Service Division (The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210) Dale B. Baker, Director Fred A. Tate, Assistant Director L. T. Capell, Director of Nomenclature Kenneth H. Zabriskie, Jr., Director of Research and Development Richard H. Belknap, Business Consultant Financial Division R. V. Mellefont, Treasurer Kenneth C. Barnes, Controller Thomas E. Foley, Assistant Treasurer Membership Activities Division Robert L. Silber, Director Frances Benner, Local Section Speakers' Tours Lois Jenkins, Admissions Pauline C. Dodson, Records Marshall W. Mead, Local Section Activities Phyllis Powers, Employment Clearing House Moses Passer, Educational Secretary R. M. Warren, Membership Secretary A. T. Winstead, National Meetings Operational Services Division E. G. Harris, Jr., Director Charles M. Gallienne, Fulfillment Manager Charles S. Decker, Assistant to the Director Public, Professional, and Member Relations Division James H. Stack, Director Robert K. Neuman, Information Services David A. H. Roethel, Professional and Government Relations ACS News Service (733 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017) Roy Avery, Managing Editor John F . Henahan, Radio and Television Research Grants and Fellowships Division Robert E. Henze, Director Joseph H. Boyer, Assistant Program Administrator, PRF ACS APPLIED JOURNALS See page 2 this issue. ACS LOCAL SECTIONS, DIVISIONS, AND COMMITTEES See C&EN-March 23 (officers of local sections and divisions) and Feb. 17 (committee members).


Plans for a series of regional conferences among local section representatives, members of the Committee on Local Section Activities, and ACS staff were announced by the committee at its open meeting in Chicago last month. Three meetings will be held next year and three more probably will be scheduled for 1966. It is expected that such conferences will provide for a mutual exchange of ideas, programs, and techniques which may be helpful to the sections in improving services to their members and enhancing their public image. The preliminary program for the first meeting, to be held on the West Coast in January, includes such broad topics as the local section's role in assisting members to combat technical obsolescence.

Preparation of a directory of academic chemistry departments, authorized last June by the ACS Board of Directors (C&EN, Aug. 3, page 56), will be started soon. Questionnaires will be sent to the chemistry departments of approximately 2200 junior colleges, colleges, and universities in the United States to obtain a list of the faculty in each department. The directory, which is expected to be completed next spring, will then be mailed to the chairman of the chemistry department at each institution.

An in-service credit program for high school science teachers is being conducted this fall by the Western New York Section. Sponsored by scientific industries in the area, the program consists of a series of 11 weekly meetings of about 30 teachers and industry representatives. The purpose of the project, initiated by the section in 1954, is to update the teachers' knowledge of science and to acquaint them with the chemical industry in the Niagara Falls-Buffalo area. At each session the teachers are dinner guests of the host company, attend a lecture based on that company's technology, and then take a guided tour of the laboratory facilities. To date, about 40 companies have participated in the program, which this year is under the direction of Dr. Rolland J. Gladieux, chairman of the section's education committee.

The number of student affiliates, 8049, now enrolled in U.S. colleges and universities is an all-time record. The previous high of 7872 was set last year. There are 427 student affiliate chapters, also a record high. Approval of seven new chapters by ad interim action of the Council Policy Committee was confirmed by the Council at its meeting last month. The new chapters and their faculty sponsors are: Black Hawk College (Moline, 111.), Vincent C. O'Leary; Central Washington State College (Ellensburg, Wash.), Prof. Ted Bowen; Dickinson College (Carlisle, Pa.), Dr. Horace E. Rogers; Hendrix College (Conway, Ark.), Dr. John E. Stuckey; Junior College of Kansas City (Mo.), Mrs. John Scurlock; Manchester College (North Manchester, Ind.), Dr. Edward G. Miller; and Mount St. Mary's College (Los Angeles, Calif.), Dr. Hallie F. Bundy. OCT.

5, 1964